Wake Up

I pray that this reaches the spirit of everyone it’s meant to reach. I pray God gives you eyes to see, ears to hear and a heart to understand this and I know that anyone who isn’t meant for it will be extremely confused and probably call me crazy but someone has to say it.

Are we all aware that there is a spirit realm now or what? Have you always known or are you learning more and more each day and wondering why no one ever told you? The majority of us are still living under bloodline curses. I said that in a live the other day and someone got so mad at me. “How dare you claim to love people but sit here and tell them there are curses on them?” UHM… Hello? There really are levels to this. Spiritual wealth should be the first thing you are chasing so if you grew up in a family that had a lack of spiritual understanding, they more than likely made some biblical mistakes in raising you. There is no one who can escape God’s judgment. Have you figured out that you aren’t special yet? { Romans 3:6 — If God were not entirely fair, how would He be qualified to judge the world } God doesn’t play favorites, he gives us all the same choice. Everyone has free will and they either walk in obedience and obey spiritual law OR they step outside of God’s will and open doors to negative energies, entities and demonic spirits because they got stuck in a deadly sin and forfeited their protection.

Our generation is filled with curse breakers who don’t even know they’re curse breakers all because no one ever wanted to admit there were curses. I’m going to tell you the things that God has recently dropped in my spirit.

Denial, disobedience, and doubt all lead to death. They CAUSE delay but they lead to death.

Denial is a plague. {Each of you must repent of your sins and turn to God and be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. THEN you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. This promise is to you, to your children, and to those far away — all who have been called by the Lord our God. Acts 2:38-39} If you are in denial of your sin how will you be able to move forward to the next step? If you aren’t being authentic in your interactions, you are walking down a disappointing path. It’s not your fault but you have to use your free will to invite the Holy Spirit into your life so you can forgive yourself for living a lie and learn how to accept and love yourself enough to step back into your power. I say it’s not your fault because I know that if you grew up in a place where you were able to be vulnerable and honest without fear of being rejected or abandoned, you wouldn’t have ever felt the need to walk around hiding your true self. I think if our parents knew what they were doing then, they would have made better decisions but it’s best to forgive them, they didn’t know what they were doing. Somewhere along the bloodline, authenticity got lost and people denied their mistakes. They started sweeping things under the rug and normalized hiding their sins instead of fighting them. I’ll say it again. God doesn’t play favorites so no matter how good you are at hiding the truth, He still sees your spirit and until you clean your spirit, He’s not taking you to the next level. You can’t truly repent if you are denying your sin. Which takes me to the next leading cause of spiritual death—

Disobedience. Due to denial, we are now not presenting as someone who is dealing with an internal battle which means if God starts to call to us and it requires us to show our real face.. the majority of us RUN. God will be knocking at your door and you will answer. He says HEY this is my plan for you and it’s a plan for you to prosper but all you have to do is face your truth and follow me out of this lie that you’re living. Then you slam the door in His face. It’s honestly embarrassing how many times God has shown me what decision to make but because I was afraid of standing in my truth I chose what seemed easiest at the time. The entire time God was trying to hand me spiritual gifts so that I could build and gain the fruit of the spirit, all He wanted was to show me some steps and for me to take them. Sometimes it looks like being honest about your mistakes, showing true repentance and vowing to never make a certain mistake again. You might be called away from a group of people or places so that you can receive new, more aligned spaces and faces to be around. Sometimes it’s simply reading your Bible more and praying fervently. It doesn’t matter what the situation is, God looks for your obedience and if you can’t give that to Him you will become unaligned with the purpose He has for you and the longer you stay unaligned the bigger mess you have to clean up. { Because you refuse to listen or answer when I call, I will send upon Judah and Jerusalem all the disasters I have threatened. Jeremiah 35:17} Some people never make the choice and so it leaves their children to clean it up for them. What is that called? A generational curse. You can only break a curse in the spirit realm and in order to even navigate it properly and gain authority you have to know Jesus and develop faith but most of you operate in the energy of the exact opposite.

Doubt. A lot of times the reason we disobey in the first place isn’t even out of fear. Most of the time it’s because of doubt. God himself can be planting seeds in your life and dropping opportunities in your lap but you will feel like it’s too good to be true and let it pass you by. I mean the minute you make a point to allow the Holy Spirit to reveal to you what’s causing you doubt and then obey when you’re told to rebuke it, you’ll be back on track but what does that require? Going into the spirit. How do you gain authority to be there? By knowing Jesus. You either are reading this from a believer point of view or not. If you are then get curious and if you aren’t then I love you and hope some day you recognize your doubt and fight it. If we do not BELIEVE we are who God says we are, we will never be who God calls us to be. Belief starts with faith. You have to have faith during the process that even if you can not see what God is showing you to be true, it is still true and He will make a way. It starts with faith and ends with faith. { So it is clear that no one can be made right with God by trying to keep the law. It is through faith that a righteous person has life. This way of faith is very different from the way of law, which says it is through obeying the law that a person has life. Galatians 3:11-12} Jesus came and made a new covenant for us through sacrifice and unconditional love. Through Jesus we no longer have to go through any other source we can go straight to Him. He will give us a vision and make us right with God by putting His word on our hearts and all we have to do is obey the instructions we receive. That is the new law. It starts with having faith in what God has said to you over what you can see.

What I’m trying to get at here is that if you are being fake, rebelling against spiritual law or walking around in a cloud of doubt; you might want to get realigned. It might not be your fault but it is your responsibility to CHOOSE to reject denial, disobedience and doubt in order to end the delay in your life. It’s your responsibility to make sure you don’t make the same mistakes your ancestors did so you can secure your future in generational wealth instead of generational sin. { And I will make an everlasting covenant with them: I will never stop doing good for them. I will put a desire in their hearts to worship me, and they will never leave me. I will find joy doing good for them and will faithfully and wholeheartedly replant them in this land. Jeremiah 32: 40-41 } Once you innerstand all of these spiritual truths, God will restore you and renew your identity. You are most likely standing in your own way. Believe me or don’t. I’m just the messenger.

If this resonates and you’re interested in alignment coaching or mindset mentoring feel free to shoot me an email ariel@iamlegendari.me . Curses and plagues are real. Make your moves wisely.

Xoxo, Ari


The Process


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