The Process
This post is not for everyone. It’s important for you to take this back to the Lord and confirm with Him that this is for you. If you do not have a prayer life, there’s no better time to open one up. This should not be the first time you are hearing about this and if it is, take the wisdom and invite Jesus in, to further speak to you about who He is and who you are according to His will. If this is for you it should serve as confirmation and give you understanding. Glory be to God!
If you are reading this I pray you have eyes to see, ears to hear and a heart to receive in the spirit. See I believe that everything happens for a reason so if this is popping up in your energy, embrace it. Give it your time. Rebuke the spirit of distraction and allow yourself to truly get something from this.
The Lord gave me another dream and gave me a revelation to go with it. I spent a good part of my day meditating on it and asking God to take me deeper into it so I could better understand and He gave me some spiritual wisdom that is needed on a collective scale so here I am, sharing it, with anyone who needs it.
The dream: I saw a space with a table that was in the middle of a ring of fire. There were people on the outside of the ring with a goal to get to the table inside of it. In order to get to the table they had to walk through the ring of fire but before they could do that, they had to drink water from a specific cup. After I understood what I had seen, I woke up. When this happens I know that God is telling me to take account of this knowledge in the moment, usually He has something else to show me next. I fell back asleep and when I did I was in the circle where the table was. I couldn’t see exactly who was there with me but I also didn’t care. The second I was in that circle it felt like every worry I had was gone. I was filled with joy and peace. I remember feeling grateful and like anxiety and depression didn’t exist. Then I woke up again. As I woke up I immediately heard “living water”, “refining fire”, and “table of the Lord.”
Every morning when I wake up, I give God my first. For me that looks like writing down the things He revealed to me in my dreams and praying He gives me revelation to understand properly what He was showing me. So I did just that. I prayed and I asked God to align my dream with His word and His Spirit so that I may serve Him best.
Water, Fire, Table. First drink the water, then walk through the fire, then sit at the table. Before we get in to the message I am going to drop some verses I was led to so that you can read them and see what you feel. My goal here is not to just share with you this message but also to teach you what it means to receive through gifts and then understand through the word. Remember my dream, read these verses, and see what you receive yourself. THEN, read the message and if you were aligned, you might be impressed with yourself but if you weren’t able to understand, I invite you to pray for the gift of understanding.. it IS a gift and you do have to ask for it.
John 7:38 Anyone who believes in me may come and drink! For the Scriptures declare, ‘Rivers of living water will flow from his heart.’ (Jesus said this)
Zechariah 13:9 I will put this third through the fire; I will refine them as silver is refined and test them as gold is tested. They will call on My name, and I will answer them. I will say: They are My people, and they will say: The Lord is our God.
1 Peter 5:10 After you have suffered for a little while, the God of all grace, who called you to His eternal glory in Christ, will Himself perfect, confirm, strengthen and establish you.
1 Corinth 10:21 You cannot drink the cup of the Lord, and the cup of demons too: you cannot have part in both the Lord’s table and the table of demons.
Each of these were verses I was led to during the time I set out in the morning to study what I had seen.
Here is what I learned.
To reach the table of the Lord is a common desire of the children of God but to get there is a process. This process starts with drinking from the cup of the Lord that is filled with the living water. Anyone who believes in Jesus is allowed to drink meaning the first step is believing in Jesus. The living water represents the Holy Spirit meaning you can not be filled with the Holy Spirit until you believe in Jesus. Say it out loud, Jesus I believe in you and I seek to know the heart of God, fill me with your Holy Spirit so that I may be made new and sit at the table of the Lord.
Seems easy enough. Next part. Refining fire. This is the part that really blew my mind. It blows my mind because the way it was revealed to me is not the way I hear most churches explain it and I think if more people understood it this way, they would know what to expect and be prepared for this situation. I was led to look up the definition of refine and refinement is when you remove impurities or unwanted elements from a substance to make it pure. In the Bible it says “I will refine them as silver is refined”. Do you know how silver is refined? They heat it up and the impurities come up to the surface and are removed or released so that it can be shaped into its intended shape without any error, making it stronger, less likely to break, and increase in value. When we make the choice to accept Jesus into our lives we are asking for Him to take us through the refining fire and that fire looks different for each of us depending on the impurities we have. If you have lived a life filled with godly people and godly intentions with unconditional love and no trauma then your walk will be pretty easy but if you’re like me and you’ve experienced trauma throughout your lifetime, it’s best you prepare yourself properly. I’m sharing this because when I went through this fire, I didn’t know what was happening and if I would have known this from the beginning I would have understood more clearly and gotten through it quicker.
The refining fire is when the Holy Spirit leads you back through the things that wounded you, and allows the trigger to cause a reaction so you are able to remove the lie it placed in your spirit for good. Making you stronger, wiser, and less likely to break. Then he tests you like gold. You test gold to see if it is real by putting it next to a magnet and waiting for a reaction. If gold is real, it will not be attracted to the magnet. If it is fake, it will go toward it. You can also place a drop of vinegar on it and if the gold changes, it’s fake. He’s going to refine you then expose you to that trigger again until the impure spirit is gone. He’s going to test that the healing was done on a soul level before you get to that table. You have to not be attracted to the things you were once attracted to. If the healing is real, you stay the same when you’re exposed. You have to be your authentic self as you are exposed to different situations, if you switch up under pressure, there’s still healing to be done. That is how the Lord tests you, by allowing you to be placed in familiar situations and looking for your healed response over your wounded one.
You see some of us came in to agreement with principalities when we were younger out of ignorance. Some of us didn’t know what God said about us so in our hurt we believed what people said. Some of us didn’t have the proper guidance and are here to heal our bloodlines by going through the refining fire. If you are a new follower of Christ then it is important for you to come out of agreement with “all of this is happening to me” and change it to “all of this is happening for me” because THAT is the good news. The good news is that on the other side of the suffering, comes the table of the Lord. The fire may not feel great it could feel like you’re reliving some really tough moments but guess what? If you believed in Jesus and were filled with the living water, that fire wont burn you as you walk through it. He is your protector. Align yourself to the word.
The place with the table felt like peace and it’s worth going through the fire. What do we do at tables? We have conversations and communion and we receive and consume. If we’re at the Lords tables we are getting all of those things from a divine place. Our blessings we receive are from the Lord. You can’t sit at both tables. You have to make a choice. The process is tougher for some than others but the outcome is incredible. Are you willing to go through the process? All I know is I am eternally grateful for the God that shares these truths with me and if even one person receives from this word then my job here is done. Don’t be afraid of the fire, be aware of it. I love you. Praying for healing in the mighty name of Jesus. You are loved.