Pay Attention
This post is not for everyone. It’s important for you to take this back to the Lord and confirm with Him that this is for you. If you do not have a prayer life, there’s no better time to open one up. This should not be the first time you are hearing about this and if it is, take the wisdom and invite Jesus in, to further speak to you about who He is and who you are according to His will. If this is for you it should serve as confirmation and give you understanding. Glory be to God!
If you’re reading this I pray you have eyes to see, ears to hear, wisdom and understanding. The way I’m about to unpack this message is going to be harsh but those who are meant to catch it in their spirit are going to know it’s for them.
Proverbs 29:25-27 — 25 Fearing people is a dangerous trap, but trusting the Lord means safety. 26 Many seek the ruler’s favor but justice comes from the Lord. 27 The righteous despise the unjust; the wicked despise the godly.
The book of proverbs is known as the book of wisdom. Those with understanding read it, apply it to their moral compass and reap benefits from living a wise, aligned life. I aim to share with people the things I learn when I feel called to share but it is not within my power to make anyone understand so please if this resonates, pray for understanding. You deserve to level up in life.
Let’s unpack this. Verse 25: Fearing people is a dangerous trap, but trusting the Lord means safety. What is fearing people? The fear of man is a spirit we operate in when our actions are being taken based on the fear of losing friends or people thinking negatively of us. Operating in this spirit looks like KNOWING what you are doing is wrong or inauthentic but continuing to do it because you hope to find favor among your peers. You want to be popular among a bunch of clowns so you throw true kindness and loyalty to God on the backburner to impress them. Why is this a dangerous trap? Fearing people is the direct opposite of fearing the Lord. I know what you’re thinking— Ariel, why would God want us to be afraid of him? HEAR THIS IN YOUR SPIRIT. God does not want you to be AFRAID of Him. He wants you to consider what His opinion is on a matter before you consider the opinions of the PEOPLE around you. He wants you to be more concerned about where He is in your life than where your friends are. He wants you to care more about losing HIS PRESENCE over the presence of men. Proverbs 1:7 Fear of the Lord is the foundation of true knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and discipline. Are you following? Are you molding yourself into someone you aren't just to keep people around you happy? I’m here to tell you that while your ego may feel fed because you have people around you, that ego boost may cause you to be left unprotected spiritually due to your attachment to the spirit of fear of man. Rebuke that in the name of Jesus. What does this look like? For me this looks like adding “Father God through the authority you have given me by the blood of Christ I bind and rebuke the spirit of fear of man that it must come up and out in the mighty name of Jesus that it is YOUR presence I seek over the presence of my peers forever and ever so it is.” Write that down. Say it BOLDLY. .UNDERSTAND IT. You’re welcome.
Verse 26: Many seek the ruler’s favor, but justice comes from the Lord. Lets jump right into it. Who is a ruler? Rulers are appointed by God. Catch this in your spirit or don’t. Rulers are leaders. Rulers are those who have been anointed by God to lead, to oversee a specific area in His kingdom. Now a wise ruler will know how to differentiate between who is from God or who is not but a foolish ruler is met with more challenges because MANY seek the ruler’s favor. Proverbs 19:6 Many seek favors from a ruler; everyone is the friend of a person who give gifts! Beware the people who are always there to accept gifts, they could very well be the reason you are always giving and never receiving. If you know you have a calling, you know in your heart you are a leader meant to own your own business or lead a collective, it is also probably true that you attract opportunities easily. You walk out of the house and people are always presenting you with ideas and telling you what they can do with you or for you. You’re always getting wrapped up in different situations. I want to be clear, I am not talking to the people who had guidance and were taught by someone else how to choose your circle wisely. I am talking to the leaders who were taught incorrectly. Let’s get you realigned. One of the enemies favorite things to do is send counterfeits. It’s easy for counterfeits to get in the minds of those who were raised without understanding. I pray those meant to hear this hear it in their spirit. The enemy will send dead end opportunities, lazy people that talk smoothly but do not bring in any benefit to your vision and immoral women or men to keep you stuck in cycles by means of codependency and unhealthy attachment issues. He does this to cloud your judgment and keep you from seeing the opportunities that lead to lasting wealth and abundance. If you are reading this and realize that you have been deceived in this way I have good news for you! Justice comes from the Lord. If you are the ruler who has your hands in way too many dead end get rich quick schemes, and are being weighed down by clingy moochy friends or lingering needy exes keeping you stuck, I am going to tell you what to do. First of all, without being negative or judgmental toward those that are involved you will take account of your relationships and determine which ones are unaligned with your purpose. Once you realize who those people in your life are you will make a rule, each time they invite you somewhere, you are busy. You do not text first. You care more about what God is trying to teach you than hurting their feelings. You don’t have to be mean in order to be wise. Proverbs 15:3 The Lord is watching everywhere, keeping his eye on both the evil and the good. Trust me, God is seeing what you can not see. He determines who is good and who is not. These separations are divine and those meant to go with you into the next chapter of your life will be forced to elevate and meet you where you are. That’s for God to decide, not them. JUSTICE is BALANCE. If you want balance restored to your life you have to allow God to remove and replace when necessary. Add this to your prayer and repeat it each day until you UNDERSTAND. “Father God I thank you that You know what is best for me. I thank you for removing all those in my life who are not serving my highest good as I release them with love and trust in Your judgement. Thank You for Your divine protection as I walk toward my purpose in the mighty name of Jesus”. Then as people start dropping like flies. Let them. Proverbs 25:4-5 Remove the impurities from silver, and the sterling will be ready for the silversmith. Remove the wicked from the kings court and his reign will be made secure by justice. You can not be properly trained, formed or prepared for your purpose until you have removed EVERYONE who is unaligned with you by GODS choice, not by your own.
Last but not least: Verse 27: The righteous despise the unjust; the wicked despise the godly. Read that again. If anyone has told you that it is wrong to not like people, that is a lie. To hate and to despise are two different things. We are called to LOVE everyone the way that God loves us. How does God love us, He gives us grace and mercy and let’s us choose for ourselves. You can not force anyone to choose the right way to go it is their own choice, you can love them from afar but you do not have to like them. The definition of despise is to feel contempt or a deep repugnance. Contempt means a feeling that a person or thing is beneath consideration. Repugnance means intense disgust. Unjust means not based on or behaving according to what is morally right and fair. Godly by definition is devoutly religious or pious. Devoutly: in a manner that shows deep religious feeling or commitment. I know that was a lot so let me put it all together for you. It is a biblical principle rooted in wisdom that
The righteous carry intense disgust for and do not feel it is necessary to consider the opinion of those who are not behaving according to what is morally right or fair.
The wicked carry intense disgust for and do not feel it is necessary to consider the opinion of those who are devoted and committed to being morally aligned with their faith.
The righteous are the oil and the wicked are the water. They can be in the same cup but the oil will always come together and rise to the top. They do not like each other. One rejects the other. When you are looking at the people in your life… look at who they don’t like. As a matter of fact, look at who YOU dislike. I am not here to judge anyone but unless we are made aware that we have a sick spirit, how would we even be able to clean it up? Are you righteous or are you wicked? What about the people around you? All that is required of you is to identify which you are and choose to either change it, or remain the same. If you don’t care about these things then hey that’s okay i still love you and give you grace, but let me leave you with these:
Proverbs 28:1 The wicked run away when no one is chasing them, but the godly are as bold as lions.
Proverbs 28:9 God detests the prayers of a person who ignores the law.
Proverbs 3:33 The Lord curses the house of the wicked, but he blesses the home of the upright.
Proverbs 4:18-19 The way of the righteous is like the first gleam of dawn, which shines ever brigher until the full light of day. But the way of the wicked is like total darkness. They have no idea what they are stumbling over.
Choose your side wisely.
Before I go I want to put all of this together in the simplest way: Stop listening to how people want you to live your life and start asking your Heavenly Father to reveal to you the true intentions of those around you. Clean up your spirit and clear out your circle so you can be properly prepared for your blessings. Don’t be afraid of being disliked. Both the righteous and the wicked have haters, the quality of your haters matter. To be disliked by many fools is better than to be disliked by many wise leaders. The choice is always yours.
I love you guys. You do not have to be perfect to get aligned. If you need help and would like to book a consultation or a one on one session for kingdom coaching you can find the link in the scheduling tab of this website.
You are not alone.
Xoxo, Ari