It’s Not Halloween, You Can Take Off The Mask.
This is going to ruffle some feathers so before you continue reading let me just say; this isn't for the ones who get easily offended. I also want to say that everything I’m about to describe is coming from an observation of an old version of myself as well as what I see in the world around me. This post is for the people who are stuck in cycles and can’t get out. This is for people who are tired of sulking. If you are unhappy with the way your life looks around you, the answer to fixing it is within you.
I used to get so frustrated when I wasn’t getting my way. I would complain and blame everything and everyone besides myself. I would point out flaws in other people and gossip and find reasons to put down the girls who were getting their way because why them and not me? I would dig up dirt on others and gossip with the intention of making someone look bad so that I could look better. My relationships were toxic and my attitude was ugly. My appearance even suffered because I wasn’t taking proper care of myself. Instead of focusing on what I could do each day to make my life better I was spending time watching others in envy over what they had that I wanted. There was a complete shift in my life when I realized that the reason I wasn’t receiving, was because I was pushing out the energy of, “I want what they have” instead of “I want what is meant for me”.
You will never receive answers to your prayers when you’re praying from a manipulative, jealous or deceitful heart. To be able to clearly hear from the divine you have to be right with the Creator and that means taking a step back from the physical world and admitting that the reason you are stuck and unhappy in your material life is because there's something inside you that is being dishonest or hiding from change. At the end of the day, waking up everyday and putting a mask over your true self is exhausting and everyone will get tired of it eventually. I had to face some harsh truths in order to reprogram my subconscious to call in what is for me and develop a healthy and clear connection to the Source of all creation. This is where I am going to call some of you out and if you resonate with this energy I want you to understand, I was you. Give yourself grace, and take my advice or don’t, it’s your journey to live how you wish it.
“Only God can judge me” is a terrible motto. God is the creator of our souls and He gives us purpose. He will at the end of this life judge the way you lived it, what you learned and how you applied those lessons to your life. He will be the one who either says, “well done my good and faithful servant” or, “I did not know you”. He knows the purpose for your life and it’s up to you to care enough about finding it. It is not our job to condemn anyone else for their personal journey, HOWEVER, it is our job to be a good judge of character. God wants us to be able to use our discernment about who we allow in our energy. They say you are a mixture of the five people you spend the most time with and that is so true. Look at the lives of the people you are taking advice from. Look at the way they are living, their health, their habits; are they receiving the answers to their prayers? If the people you are taking advice from aren’t living lives you want to be living then you need to absolutely use good judgement and separate yourself from them.
We have the choice to see, hear and consume whatever we allow in our energy each day and if everyone around you is lying to their boyfriends, having blow out fights with friends and family or cheating on their spouses and escaping reality through substance abuse – there’s a good probability that you are on a very similar path as they are. If you look around you and all of your friends are starting businesses, encouraging you to heal, getting engaged or buying houses, there is a high chance that you are attracting that same energy and heading down that path. You have to take accountability for you and be willing to change your environment so you can call in what is for you. Understand that as humans we truly are meant to use judgement. We need to be able to recognize who brings in our highest good and who keeps us in our shadow selves. It’s actually a gift God gives you called discernment, pray about it, ask for it, then apply it to your life. You can wear a mask for every person you know but when you’re done putting on a show for the world and lay your head down at night, our Creator knows exactly how you feel and your prayers won’t be answered until you can come humbly before the Lord about who you truly are and ALLOW him to reveal to you what needs to CHANGE, including your stuck and stagnant friends. They’ll catch up if they’re meant to. Someone has to make the first move.
Think intentionally about the conversations you engage in everyday. Question the information you are receiving before you believe it and ask yourself if the person you are hearing from is a trustworthy person or not. Be aware of the energy you are putting out into the world. Believe in the power of your words and know that if you are engaging in speaking badly about someone you are pushing bad energy into the universe and will be met with that bad energy in your own life. Do not get caught up in a group of people who are wishing bad things on others. When God says He doesn’t want us to curse He doesn’t give a fuck about the word fuck. He cares about whether or not you are speaking life, or death over other people. I’m not telling you to say cuss words and I don’t like saying them myself but you have to understand the bigger picture. Be wiser than you were yesterday and forgive yourself for what you didn’t know before. Look, I love you all. If you made it this far I hope you understand I am sharing this because I care about you finding your purpose and manifesting your dream life. If you are tired of your own mess and are looking for a starting point to change, I invite you to observe your conversations and remove yourself from anything that will keep you stuck in bad luck. Your life is meant to be a beautiful creation that you built between you, the Creator and your soul family. Don’t forfeit your soul by trying to keep up with the world.
Proverbs 18:21 The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruit.
Mark 8:36 For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul.
Proverbs 20:19 He who goes about with a slanderer reveals secrets, therefore do not associate with a gossip.
There’s your Wednesday Wisdom,
Xoxo, Ari