Called to Stand
“Called to Stand: Against a Generational Curse” is an Ebook created by the leading of the Holy Spirit that provides biblical wisdom, knowledge, understanding and a prayer plan for those standing in faith against a generational curse or generational sin. This is intended for the children of God that know His voice and are moving by His Spirit according to His lead. This is not a prophetic word. It is an informative book that can be used to help ease the process by filling yourself with the knowledge of the Word of God about the subject. Test the spirit. Know your season.
“Called to Stand: Against a Generational Curse” is an Ebook created by the leading of the Holy Spirit that provides biblical wisdom, knowledge, understanding and a prayer plan for those standing in faith against a generational curse or generational sin. This is intended for the children of God that know His voice and are moving by His Spirit according to His lead. This is not a prophetic word. It is an informative book that can be used to help ease the process by filling yourself with the knowledge of the Word of God about the subject. Test the spirit. Know your season.
“Called to Stand: Against a Generational Curse” is an Ebook created by the leading of the Holy Spirit that provides biblical wisdom, knowledge, understanding and a prayer plan for those standing in faith against a generational curse or generational sin. This is intended for the children of God that know His voice and are moving by His Spirit according to His lead. This is not a prophetic word. It is an informative book that can be used to help ease the process by filling yourself with the knowledge of the Word of God about the subject. Test the spirit. Know your season.