What is Love?
I don’t know. I do not know what Love is fully. I know that God is Love but I also know that nobody under the sun can ever fully understand God which means Love will never be fully understood. I can tell you a revelation about what love is not, though. Take what resonates and LEAVE the rest
I was in prayer today about my current circumstances and as I was confessing to Jesus what was on my heart, an entire explanation dropped in my spirit. I can’t even tell you where in the Bible this story is but it popped in my head while I was washing my hair. I’m grateful that it was exactly what I needed to hear.
There’s a story of a woman who had her baby stolen from her. I’m pretty sure one lady’s baby had died and instead of taking the loss she switched her dead baby with the other live baby and tried to pass it off as her own. Well, obviously that didn’t sit right with the other mom so she went to the king or pharaoh or ruler or whatever. He decided which was the real mom through a test and said “I’ll just cut the baby in half and you can have this half and the other lady can have the other half.” The real mom refused. She was willing to give her baby to the thief because she would rather be without her child than to destroy the child all together. she wanted her baby to be whole, regardless of where it lived.
Listen to how cool Jesus is. I’m in a season of waiting. God has shown me some things and I have had to wait. I was put in a situation that was very uncomfortable and I was worried that because I was ready to give up, that I was being disobedient to God. God spoke to me about a promise and was very specific. I’ve been in a waiting season for quite some time about it. I was asking questions like “Am I doing the right thing?” “Are you going to be angry with me for walking away?” Then that story dropped in my Spirit and I heard this message.
“No, I am not angry with you. I have raised you to Love. If someone is truly yours then you wouldn’t want half of them. They may be spiritually and emotionally with you but physically with another and anyone who truly loves someone would want for them to be fully in one place. Just like the king tested those women to see which is the true mother of the child, so this is how I am testing your heart. How do you think I will rule this judgement? Had you turned a blind eye and allowed your promise to remain torn in pieces, would they truly belong to you? How could a woman love a man if she is willing to keep him torn in half? The king ruled in the true mother’s favor, how do you think I will decide. Remember man may roll the dice but it is i that determines where they land. Don’t lose faith in yourself because Love doesn’t look like what this world has said it to be. I am not testing words and actions the same way the world does. I am not seeing emotions and circumstances the way you humans do. I am testing the heart space. If yours is aligned with Love and you are ruled by my Son, what do you have to worry about? I am not done.”
Love is a lot of things. Love isn’t settling for half of someone. What’s meant for you will always be for you. God is not going to halfway deliver so let go of anything that doesn’t show up fully. Your promise is unique to you and a way to tell if someone or something is truly meant for you or not is by looking at how it shows up. Fully or torn. If you are halfway in and halfway out of a situation, the person who is for you will encourage you to get your mind, body and spirit into the same space so you are able to show up as fully and wholly yourself. If someone really loves someone or cares for something they want to grow it not tear it apart. If God has given you a promise, regardless of what it is, He is going to give it to you fully and in His timing. Job, house, relationship, friendship, whatever it is, you want it to be fully present. You aren’t wrong for refusing to accept it torn in two.
I also think it’s important to share that no matter where you are in your journey, Jesus really can help you through it. Life is not easy. He will meet you wherever you’re at and He wants you to go to Him first. Get curious. Food for thought.
Beginners spiritual journey tips:
Spend time talking to Him. I used shower time because it was easy to get on a schedule talking to God while I did self care and was isolated. My shower time became a meditation safe space, I also began journaling unapologetically. You need a safe space to organize your thoughts.
If you’re just starting to read your bible and the stories aren’t resonating with your life at the moment. Read them as if they are going to be helpful for another time and place along the way. I hadn’t seen or heard about this story since I was a kid but it dropped in my spirit. That’s another way I hear from God.
When I say God showed me a promise I need you to understand that it wasn’t until I had been healing and doing true soul cleansing and forgiving others on a soul level until I started receiving specific prophecies over myself and others. If you are just starting your walk with Jesus it’s important for you to be more concerned about who you are individually before He starts showing you who people are in your life and where they belong. You will be asked to look within and as you change on the inside, your desires in the physical world shift and change. Please make sure you are hearing from God by taking it back to the Lord and testing the spirits. God is not the author of confusion. If He told you something and confirmed it you will know that you know.
If you are starting to receive spiritual gifts and need help learning how to navigate them or are aiming to get realigned with your purpose and need a guide, message me for a one on one. Sending love to every one of you.
Until we meet again,