Save It For The Park
This post is not for everyone. It’s important for you to take this back to the Lord and confirm with Him that this is for you. Not every word is meant to be applied to your life in the immediate moment. If you are receiving this in season it should not be the first time you are hearing about it. If the Lord has not been speaking to you about this already, take the wisdom and knowledge as a form of learning the ways of the Lord that you might choose to walk in them. If this is for you it should serve as confirmation and give you understanding. Glory be to God!
Before we get in to the word I want to give you the place the Holy Spirit led me in the Bible to go with it. I will paraphrase and site some verses but I strongly advise you to grab your Bible and read the entire section to give the Holy Spirit more room to speak. You will never find everything you need in a person or their message, the Holy Spirit is sent to complete everything making it come together under the authority of Christ. We prophesy in parts. This word was received through a dream and a vision then revelation came paired with Ezekiel 21-23. I have released this at this time in obedience to the Lord. Take it back to Him.
You know when you go to Disneyland or Universal Studios and there is a walk of shops and places to eat outside the gates. The Lord gave me a vision of someone pulling out their phone and posting stories and videos from the walk as if they were already in the park. They were wasting time and not walking toward getting in the necessary lines to go into the actual park. The Lord gave me another vision of me releasing a word letting His children know that some of them are claiming to be doing things for the Kingdom of God in the Kingdom without completing the process required for that positon. He showed me that the trumpets were being sounded for judgment and I assure you this isn’t a word I love to be giving but there is wisdom in it for those that desire to know the character of God.
The Lord spoke to me and He said that some of His children have idolized prophets and prophetic words and because of that He allowed them to be led by the voices of those prophets instead of His voice. Like everything the Lord allows, His purpose is to teach us His character and when we refuse to be set apart in the way He needs us to be— He will hand us over to the desires of our own heart. For a season it may be fine but when the time comes to reap the harvest— you harvest a judgment and discipline rather than the fruit. He has to show you how meaningless it is to hear words from the mouths of people when you lack His understanding. Understanding is a gift from God, He can give it and He will also take it away and you wont even know it happened. Being chosen is not for the weak. There is a special call on your life to work in the Kingdom of God but before you get to that place there is a journey. Along this journey there is a crushing and our flesh wants to reject it, seeking validation through works in a season that God meant us to focus on building faith. This season is a season of discipline for the purpose of learning to discern His voice so we can truly be led by Him. It is not uncommon for the anointed to get close to the finish line and jump the gun, rushing into a their position before the appointed time. The person in my vision was influencing others with their social medias about a place they had not yet entered and I heard in my spirit, “what a shame it would be to spend all your money in the walk before you got through the gate.” The person still had a little bit of a walk to walk and a line to wait in before they were in the place that they had paid a price to be in. The suffering was meant to produce something valuable that is meant to be used and multiplied in the Kingdom to produce fruit and feed your family for generations but if you begin to pour out the anointing in every place you can, coming in to agreement with everything suggested to you— you risk getting stuck outside the gates wondering where all the oil went when you need it.
Righteousness is not a blanket you can hide under when you are walking in disobedience. Ezekiel 21:3-5 says, “Tell her, “This is what the Lord says: I am your enemy, O Israel, and I am about to unsheath my sword to destroy your people— the righteous and the wicked alike. Yes, I will cut off both the righteous and the wicked! I will draw my sword against everyone in the land from south to north, Everyone in the world will know that I am the Lord. My sword is in my hand and it will not return to its sheath until the work is finished.” The Israelites were those being led to the promise. This message was being given to Jerusalem— the set apart nation within Israel. You are not beyond receiving judgment because you are walking in righteousness. Yes, you have a lesser risk at opening doors to the demonic realm but righteousness is not a substitute for obedience. He said, “Everyone in the world will know that I am God.” If you were not clear on the difference between walking in the spirit led by the Holy Spirit and walking in the world led by fleshly desires and validation from people— God will pour out a judgment so He can refine your discernment. We make ourselves an enemy to the Lord when we step outside of His timing and begin to create in His name without His leading. If what you are doing is working against the plans He has for your life as a creator, influencer, minister, author, leader or whatever you are ordained for; then you have unintentionally made yourself an enemy of God. I know how harsh this sounds but this is what He gave to me and wisdom would lead us to learn about who we serve so we can serve Him properly. This type of judgment is for the children who have been in the refining process but are unable to be used because they still have a form of idolatry keeping them from being fully surrendered. God refers to this group of people as worthless slag because they went into the fire and did not mold in to the shape He intended but instead fell off. Verse 21:12 “There are hired murderers, loan racketeers and extortioners everywhere, They never even think of me and my commands, says the Sovereign Lord.” Let me unpack this. The law of timing is a spiritual law that lets us know that God has things in alignment and we would be going before Him to give a word, start a kingdom business, ministry work or open a door that He has not yet given us permission to open. We would be putting the receipt of money or validation through works over loving God and obeying His commands. Our intentions may be good and we may be in places that are pleasing to the Lord in general but in regards to where we are meant to be at an appointed time— it doesn’t matter how godly we are being, we are not above His commands. When we are working on behalf of the Lord we are not to go before Him. The Lord said in Ezekiel 23:39 “On that very day that they sacrificed their children to their idols, they boldly came into my temple to worship! They came in and defiled my house!” This looks like birthing something for the purpose of the Lord and then putting it in the places you want to put it for worldly gain. It would look like using our spiritual gifts in places we were not commanded to use them for some sort of validation from others that we are doing something right. It can look like building something by the leading of the Holy Spirit but releasing it with urgency because you need money, not because the Lord has told you to. All of those are examples of idolizing our works, gifts, and money. There are many more ways this could play out in our lives. We are to work for and with who He commands meaning He will lead us in the way that we should go. He will align it. If you know God is calling you to be a coach He will train you to coach and then He will bring you those He has called you to coach. The same way He teaches in the Bible that if you put the net where He tells you to put it the fish will come, we are to be in the position He tells us and the people will come. We are not meant to go out and promote ourselves looking for people in every which way because when it has to do with an anointing— the Lord has a promised land for you to build in with it for the purpose of His kingdom. You would be distracting His children from where they are supposed to be if you are bringing them to places you want them to be from a place of feeling like you have to do things for God to prove you love Him. Our love for Him shows through our obedience. When we go out to seek a paycheck for planting seeds and building in the Kingdom in places the Holy Spirit does not want us to be, we step out of the protection we once had when we were within the boundaries He laid out for us.
I want to encourage you because if this does apply to you, you are a chosen and anointed child of God. You have to know that. This is not a message meant to condemn or make anyone feel wrong for exploring the ways of the Lord. It’s just a misunderstanding that has to be dealt with between God and His children. The winter comes and every seed planted that wasn’t rooted properly will be uprooted by means out of your control for the good of all. Your anointing is more than you doing things for God as an act of worship its about you enduring a healing process and through the love of Christ entering a Kingdom with a testimony and message that helps to bring others closer to Him as well but He can’t move through anyone who won’t submit to His order of things. You have to go through the process and be instructed. You have to know whose voice you are hearing and you have to know your season. If you are in the wilderness there is still more of a walk before you get into the land you’re meant to build in. You just need to walk a little further or wait a little longer to get into the place you are meant to be. In order for Gods perfect will to play out in your life everything that was built prematurely will be torn down in a season of judgement for the purpose of refining your ability to be led by His voice. Remember He disciplines those He loves. He is calling anyone who listened to the voice of man over His voice to repent and receive correction. Some people think they are experiencing warfare but its not warfare its judgment for doing things out of order, outside the boundaries the Lord is giving you and without truly understanding how to be commanded by His voice over other voices in the wilderness. He’s calling His chosen children to repentance for putting the voice of man on a pedestal and wants to correct and uproot the misunderstanding in the spirits of those anointed to influence and lead because in order to be truly led by Him— you have to know Him. He wants the focus to be on His character before it becomes about what you can do to build for Him. You will not be rewarded for suffering that you are going through because you are trying to walk out an anointing that you did not pay the full price or endure the entire process to receive. You can’t reject the knowledge God is trying to give you about the process necessary according to His order of things and expect to reap the harvest in due season.
It’s easy to get caught up in the worldly sense of following Christ but ultimately living a life of worship is living a life of obedience. Obedience is valued greater than sacrifice in the eyes of the Lord. You can be stewarding all of your time into things that glorify God by worldly definition but none of it would have been for the Glory of God if it keeps you from being in the places He has called you to be. Practice a good spiritual hygiene routine and keep walking, keep seeking. You are loved. The scripture says a worker is worth his wages. This is a call to know your worth. You deserve everything that comes with enduring the process for the fullness of restoration and recompense. Don’t spend all of your money in the walk. Save it for the park.
Glory be to God,