“Are We There Yet?”

This post is not for everyone. It’s important for you to take this back to the Lord and confirm with Him that this is for you. Not every word is meant to be applied to your life in the immediate moment. If you are receiving this in season it should not be the first time you are hearing about it. If the Lord has not been speaking to you about this already, take the wisdom and knowledge as a form of learning the ways of the Lord that you might choose to walk in them. If this is for you it should serve as confirmation and give you understanding. Glory be to God!

This week the Lord led me back in to one of my favorite books of the Bible. I encourage you all to grab your Bible and take notes in Acts 1:1-9. Regardless, I am grateful to share with you what the Holy Spirit has shared with me that shifted my heart around spending time with Jesus and I pray it blesses your heart as well.

When I first had my daughter people would always tell me, cherish these moments— you’ll miss them. I’m not going to lie I couldn’t imagine missing changing diapers or waking up in the middle of the night to crying but here I am, twelve years later; and boy do I miss it. Lately I have been having that same type of feeling but about my walk with Christ now that He has placed me in a position that requires maturity. It’s a new experience for me and the emotions have been bittersweet. Let me explain.

When I first started hearing the call from Christ I was confused. I had to be taught how to hear Him properly and I was much like a baby. I had made the decision to walk and I couldn’t do it on my own. He held my hands to teach me. I was trained and grown in the spirit just like a parent would train and coach their child into maturity. I learned so much so fast. I was like a sponge. His voice was so loud and He would repeat Himself over and over again until I got it right. Sometimes I think maybe I was that annoying kid that had to be told multiple times before I got it right but thankfully, He never stopped pouring out His love in the process. His love was the focus that got me through it all.

As I became more mature in Christ, I realized the training wheels had come off. I noticed that the tests and trials were easier to move through. my reactions and emotions were changing and I had become a stronger person in my spiritual core. Similarly though, my Father didn’t have to have His hands on me through the whole ride. I know what some of you are thinking, “What do you mean Ariel?! God took His hands off of you?!” No. That’s not what I mean. I was reading in Acts chapter 1 this week and something dawned on me. Just like Jesus appeared to the apostles in the days after He had suffered and died, so He does the same for us who are chosen in this modern time. He comes and goes from time to time to show us that He is actually alive. That the Word is still living and each of those moments are meant to be treasured. You see, I can be trusted now to walk on my own and that in itself is an honor but I realize now that when I was going through my training process— I spent a lot of my time wondering when I would receive the things He was speaking to me about. When will restoration come?

Acts 1:6-7 says, “So when the apostles were with Jesus, they kept asking him, “Lord, has the time come for you to free Israel and restore our kingdom?” He replied, “The Father alone has the authority to set those dates and times, and they are not for you to know.” Right here it seems simple. A question and an answer. But, you don’t know how many times I asked Him about the timing. There is a spiritual law of timing. The Lord has appointed times for all things to come together under the authority of Christ but those things are not meant for us to know. Imagine spending a good chunk of the time you have the Lord in your face asking Him a question that can never be answered. I know it gets confusing but I pray the Lord reveals Himself to you so you can grasp what I am saying before it’s too late. When you are in the presence of the Lord, be with Him. Love Him. Don’t become absorbed with when the promises come and instead try to focus on the love He is showing you. Earlier this week the song “All I want for Christmas is you” dropped into my spirit and the words; “I don’t care about the presents underneath the Christmas tree, I just want you for my own, more than you could ever know” hit me like a ton of bricks. Do you care more about the gift that God has for you than you do Him? I know He wants you more than He wants anything you could ever do. It has been such a beautiful journey to grow and learn with Christ. I spent the last three years so close to Him, He held my hand every time I crossed the street. Don’t get so tied up with what’s to come that you miss out on what’s right in front of you. He told the apostles, “Do not leave Jerusalem until the Father sends you the gift He promised.” That was what Jesus said to His chosen people. It’s normal for Him to come to you and ask you to wait for something that is ordained for you. Just trust me when I say, those moments in the beginning— the sleepless nights waking up with dreams and praying in the middle of the night. The healing that comes through fasting and praying and watching Jesus restore you to Him before receiving the promise; you will miss them. You will never forget Him walking you through the broken pieces of yourself and teaching you who you truly are to put you back together in the fullness of who you were created to be. Thank Him every chance you get. Every day. You will miss it.

Growing up is inevitable and we honor the Lord by choosing to mature and be responsible. He loves to see the work be done but it is not the work that He values before you. In that same way make sure that when you are walking with the Lord; you soak in every moment you have. He will never leave but things do change. You get called higher and your manner of seeking shifts to suit the places you will go. He isn’t so loud and in your face; He doesn’t have to be, you aren’t a baby. He shows up suddenly and then suddenly, he is gone again. He doesn’t sound out every word on every page, he will hand you the book and trust that you can read. His silence doesn’t mean that He isn’t present in your life it just means He knows you can make it through a day on your own. He knows that even if He doesn’t audibly tell you to reach for your Bible, you will because you love Him. He knows you know where to find Him and that you trust Him. He knows you. Spend as much time as you can getting to know Him. It’s a road trip. Play the games. Listen to the music but as much as you can manage; don’t be the kid who spent the entire time asking, “ Are we there yet?” Ask God to keep you in the moment.

I love you guys and I pray this blesses your hearts the way it blessed mine. I know my prayers have been structured around thanking God for the moments I didn’t realize I would miss. Keep seeking. You are loved.

Until next time,



Save It For The Park


In His Hands